Editorial buch:buch
Hallo, Hi, Hola buch:buch is an independent bookbinding and book production run by Erika Stehli a bookbinder based in Berlin. We present contemporary authors in the field of visual arts and literature. Currently we want to be a bridge between Berlin and migrant artists who want to tell a story. How are their creative processes and experiences in this city. The publishing house publishes books, booklets and fanzines with poems, short stories, novels, visual documentation and interviews. We want to know your story from a genuine and real side. We materialize it. The publishing house publishes twice a year. We open an open call to receive new proposals from artists in literature or visual art, which will later be an anthology, we materialize it and we make a new plaque that we will circulate it in potential spaces in Berlin and make a presentation with the artists. We also publish individual artists either in literature or visual art. And we have a section of anthologies about stories that happens in the city of Berlin by the hand of Alicia Morán. All books/booklets/fanzines have a paper chosen by the publisher, we choose the best format and material to work with. As everything is handmade we have a maximum of 50 publications. If you want more we can talk about it. To publish with us you can send us your material to see if it resonates with our interest. The books have a price for material, design and cover art, proofreading and editing. Anyone who would like to publish needs to keep that in mind. Director: Erika Stehli Cover Art and Design: María de Los Angeles Scheggia Proofreading: Alejandra Borea